It is time for another terrifying creative challenge.
I have set up a Patreon page for this one, if you would like to follow along. I may be adding to the page, but for now I am going to attempt to figure out how it works via this challenge...
Music was my first love, and it has slipped out of my life much like art had due to life and obstacles. My instruments patiently wait, and I am genuinely sad when I think of them going unused, as if they can actually feel the pain of being abandoned... I think it is time to find creative ways to reunite.
This is an idea I've been tossing around in my brain for quite some time, but loads of fears continue to get in the way. Due to a handful of technology issues at the end of 2016, I ended up needing to make a hefty purchase of a shiny new computer and conveniently enough, I think it eliminates a few of the hurdles I had been struggling with regarding this new challenge idea - uh oh, the excuses are dwindling!
So, here we go.
The new creative challenge is to record one tiny tune a month, whether it is one that has been floating around in my collection for a while or a freshly created one. I have loads of song ideas, some of which I rather enjoyed as mini songs, yet I always thought they had to some day "grow up" to the standard length of a "real" song in order to be complete. However, I've decided to embrace them for what they are, plus I think they could make neat ringtones! If you'd like to participate, and if I understand how this Patreon thing works, you can sign up to receive the recordings for $1/month.
I'm not sure what to expect really... All I can say is I have a piano, a guitar, a ukulele, a xylophone, and odds and ends...plenty of things that make noise. ;)
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