Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Round 2 : 30 day challenge

Day 5
It was almost a month ago that I completed a 30 day painting challenge, using watercolor pencils - a medium I had not been familiar with. I am still working on wrapping up the video editing (it feels like that part is in slow motion) and then will be sending the paintings out as promised.

I did not want to start anything until every part of that challenge - and last year's monthly challenge - was wrapped up. However, I really miss creating daily and am feeling the effects... Plus, I just recently got accepted to display as part of Definitely DePere's ArtWalk! Since I will be sending all of the original 30 paintings away, I thought it could be fun to do another 30 day challenge to have some fresh work to show.

Day 24
This time, would still like to end up with 30 paintings in 30 days, but I am going to allow myself to do multiple a day if I feel inspired to do so. Also, the reveal of all final paintings will take place AT the event - not on a daily basis online like last time, though they will probably be posted at some point. I have not decided yet if I'll be doing videos this round. I do hope to post sneak peek images and updates on my facebook artist page. As of right now, I intend to do the same size (approximately 3"x4"), folded to allow them to be used as cards or to display in an easy, stand alone manner.

Since the completion of the original challenge, I have done a few watercolor paintings. One of my favorites was done immediately after another, using the paper I used to catch any run-off paint. It turned into a world of its own! During my first 30 day project, there were times I really enjoyed a certain technique, and would have loved to jump into a second painting right away to see where it would lead. These all took a few hours to complete, and there were days it was difficult to fit that in. I know I have some very long days scheduled over the next few months where it would be physically impossible to fit this kind of project in as a daily assignment. That is why I have decided to try a more flexible variation.

If you want to see the project in full and have first dibs on any of the paintings, the event will be Friday June 10, 5-8pm, in DePere, WI.

And here we go...Round 2.

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