It seems like January flew by. Admittedly, I thought this first song wasn't going to be terribly difficult, as it is pretty short and it was already written a couple years ago, and I actually remembered how to play it! The hurdles I knew existed definitely posed a challenge. (recap on 2017's musical challenge)
I have done a lot of inner work to release the need to be a perfectionist... yet as I listen to each recording attempt, I get to pick apart every mistake, inconsistency, imperfection... I continue to re-record, in hopes that the next time will be perfect, only to fall short. This should be interesting to see how this develops over the year - is it possible to achieve perfection? I seem to have this idea in my head that professional musicians may actually be completely perfect!
The arm was was definitely a factor during this... I can't only play the song so many times before I'm icing my shoulder. Still have to feel out how to deal with the physical health issues, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with this - even though it may be a painful process. ;)

So while the final recording may not be quite perfect...there was plenty of good stuff about this experience. I just hope the generous and supportive patrons feel it was worth their while too!
I realized that even though I am on a deadline, why not allow myself to re-record at some point down the line if I have the chance to do it better (as I learn) or to add additional instruments/layers? Of course I need to make the focus each month on a new song, but who knows, maybe some will go smoothly. ;)
This final day of recording was interesting... I didn't have as much time as I was hoping, there were snowplows driving up and down the street and shovelers, I wasn't feeling very well, and my arm hasn't recovered from yesterday's recording session...to name a few. Yet today is when I learned a few new things about GarageBand and my level of listening seemed to deepen. I'm noticing subtle things in my surroundings to pay attention to, as well as subtleties in the recordings (which sometimes just drives me nuts ;) ). As silly as it may sound, I even played around with the shaker in new ways and paid attention to the slight variations found within that instrument. I didn't do anything incredible with this recording or anything, but all that I've learned has me excited for the next tune.

If you'd like to join the project, it can be found here... For $1/month, you get to hear and download the tiny, original song of the month. Thanks for the support!
Here's to additional growth/lessons ... embracing a process that can sometimes be painful...and to reconnecting with "lost" passions. And of course doing something out of your comfort zone...which reminds me, I actually have to release this song now, don't I? ;)