Problem solving and my first video project
In a previous post, I mentioned my that "butchered hair situation" forced me to work on my problem solving skills (When everything came to a screeching halt...). I had shoots lined up that people still wanted to use me for, we just to find a way to work with this hair that no longer fits the part. One of these shoots was for the cover of Rummele's Christmas catalog which I discussed here: Rummeles Winter Catalog Cover.
This wig came in handy for a few other shoots that I thought I'd never be able to do, such as the video project with Jason Thiel, called "He Loves Me Not." I was asked to model for this project a while back, but the character needed long blonde hair (which I had when I was asked). The time frame didn't work out for us-with when the videographer wanted to shoot and when I was going to donate my hair...and the result of the haircut took me completely out of the running for this role. I had gotten a message from Jason a few months later though, he said he just couldn't shake the thought of me as the model for this. Well, it just so happened with the new wig and extensions, I CAN have long blonde hair now! So we started talking about the details and I was officially back in. Note: all stills are from the official video "He Loves Me Not" and the outtake video by Jason Thiel / Copper Clover Films
This project was something totally new for me, another great opportunity. I loved the story, and I loved Jason's work. When Jason and I had met prior to the shoot, he told me he wanted to discuss what I felt I wanted out of this, what made this worth my while-something some people don't necessarily keep in mind for their models. I loved that he wanted to be sure this was not a waste of anyone's time, that he wanted to create something we could all be very proud of. In my mind, I had a ton to gain from a project like this... and I ended up getting more than I even imagined!
When shoot day arrived, it was quite cold. It had unexpectedly snowed-not a lot, but enough to mess with the idea and plan a bit, and we weren't supposed to get snow yet! The sun would be going down soon. I was wearing a thin lacy white dress, and "combat" boots with not much else to keep me warm. We were going to have to work quick! Fortunately there were a few extra hands around to keep my coat warm in between scenes and to help keep things moving smoothly. (Kim Thiel and Steve Wagner)
There were no speaking lines in this project, it was important to show emotion in other ways, such as body language-much like I do during photoshoots. The tricky part with video is that you're constantly moving! You don't get to take a moment to get into character, to think about your poses, to find your most flattering angle, to get into an emotion, you have to jump in and keep going throughout the scene.
I started out a bit shaky... There was a lot to get used to, and this was out of my comfort zone. On top of that, I can be a giggly person! I had always been nervous about my tendency to laugh when modeling, but because you can take a moment to recompose and there is no sound, it hasn't been a problem. But again, video is a whole different beast! I got the giggles. We all got the giggles. It was impossible not to at times. A nice group of people with a sense of humor who love what they do, I think that is bound to happen! And a man in dress shoes trying to walk down a hill that is unexpectedly covered in snow, there was no way to keep a straight face! Watch the blooper here: Blooper.
I learned so much from this project. I learned about movement, I learned things I never knew about posing and emoting. We had weather and light to combat that made us keep moving and have to make decisions quickly. I had to lay on the ground/ice at one point and my clothing actually started freezing to the ice! I love how much this project pushed me in so many good ways. And even through the challenging parts, it was truly a fun and enjoyable experience.
Jason, Kim, and Steve were all wonderful to work with, they made sure I stayed warm and helped me learn the ropes. This was a personal project for Jason, something a bit different from his normal work, and I am honored to have been a part of making this vision come to life. Check out the full video here: He Loves Me Not.
To see more of my work, please visit
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