Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Getting weird with it

Pondering today: Limitations as opportunity for creativity. 

There are things we learn how to do, based off of how other people were taught how to do, based off of how people before them learned how to, based off of how other people created the technique accomplish the task. And then we can end up thinking that that is the only way. 

Life has thrown some interesting bumps in the road. At times, it feels like I am plagued with limitations. At other times, I realize that I am getting exactly what I wanted, just not in the way I wanted it. To live a life like art, where creativity is a part of my every day existence - not just the occasional opportunity to make what we obviously can recognize as art. This has transformed my entire life, shifting this perspective. What once would have been viewed as dead-ends and hopelessness turn into the weirdest techniques, ideas, and paths I never could have imagined. 

With the variety of physical health issues that I have accumulated over the past 8+ years, there have been many things I never thought I’d be able to do or continue doing. A devastating thought in the beginning, for someone in their early 20’s. However, at the same time, I have done things I never thought possible, even prior to the health issues. And I have slowly been creating new ways to do the other things I never thought would be an option. At times, it seems like it would be so nice to just be normal. To be able to do the things “normal” people can, without everything having to be what can feel like a constant struggle, riddled with pain. 

From cooking, to painting, to music-ing, to traveling, to basic day to day activities (some as simple as sitting). Things I thought I lost forever, things I just didn’t think I could ever figure out, things I didn’t think I could ever do with out crippling pain.

The past couple days, I have been working on wire heart pendants, I was asked to make one for someone in specific. However, I am out of wire that others have stripped for me … which means I have to do it on my own. This can be a challenge with the physical “limitations” - pain, weakness, etc. It wasn’t long into the process before my hands and arms were hurting, and I was almost working up a sweat from the struggle. I tried a different tool. Improvement. Today, I decided to do a few more pendants, trying to let the wire/ideas flow to see what comes out - while searching for the perfect fit for this custom request. Still struggling to get that coating off of the wire. I added another technique suggested by a friend. More improvement. This is where things get weird. Sort of by accident, I started using my hands AND feet. I am shocked at how much easier it made the process! I am flying through it! With less physical energy exerted, less pain, less scrunched up constipated faces and grunting, and a greatly reduced risk of black eyes and knocked out teeth ... more wire, more pendants, more excitement, more creativity. Freedom.

There is a “proper” way to do this (or that), that works, and is no big deal to some people. That way wasn’t working well for me. For a while, I accepted that I just can’t do it, and will need someone else to do it, which then can be limiting, because then my art depends on other people. Collecting suggestions and stumbling upon my own twist, I felt a sense of freedom and excitement! 

I wanted to share, because not only is it super helpful/handy for those who may also struggle to do this (or that), but it is sort of entertaining/silly so maybe you’ll get a chuckle. So I am sharing. Laugh if you’d like. And I also hope that it inspires to think outside the box. Yes, there are ways to do things that can work, and that have been proven. But IF that doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can not achieve your end goal. Sometimes it is a matter of a little creativity and a change of perspective. Instead of a limitation, perhaps it is an opportunity. Instead of viewing limitation as a door slammed in your face, perhaps there is a door in the floor, or the ceiling that you could use instead? Maybe there is a window? And any of those doors may be far more interesting/innovative than the regular old door anyway. ;)

There was a book that touches on this kind of thing, that a friend gave me to read last year: Move Into Life It talks about the importance to changing up daily habits, to wake up from automatic mode, which will keep our brain alive and thriving/growing.  

Affiliate disclaimer: NFG (artist) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. What this essentially means is that if you use the links to the books in this blog to purchase the books for yourself, I would earn a small commission. That being said, I would suggest these books regardless of how you choose to purchase (if you choose to purchase) and read/mentioned them well before signing up for the affiliate program. :) And will ONLY ever post these if I truly find them beneficial/helpful.