Photographer: Bloom Photography |
I may have met Kara before I started modeling...if not, it was very early on. And I remember seeing Reanna's modeling photos and being blown away-a mutual friend actually gave me some modeling advice from Reanna... little did I know I would actually have the opportunity to model side by side with her! Then there is Stephanie...the makeup artist. A true artist! Kara, Reanna, and Stephanie had already collaborated on a "deer" themed shoot (amazing) and invited me along for the follow up shoot: birds. I didn't even have to think twice!
At this point, I was still learning to let go of that control I had with self portraits and to trust these photographers...our group of girls met at a coffee shop to discuss ideas, and I learned very quickly that I HAD to trust. Kara has a beautiful style that is very much a "go with the flow" kind of style... she doesn't worry about things, she just trusts we'll pull it together. I, however, needed details! ;) Umm, Kara wasn't going to give me that. And I'm glad she didn't! I was forced to give up that control, and to loosen up. Stephanie too--can you imagine my reaction when she told me something along the lines of "We're going to take your eyebrows off"... Oh boy...*trust trust trust...ugh...friggin trust!* Thank goodness the eyebrows weren't actually removed, just hidden. ;)
Dad even got in on the fun... he and I created this giant nest that both Reanna and I could fit in-carefully. We had a driveway full of vines, had a few neighbors stop over and question our sanity ("Ummm, are you building a nest?!" "Why yes, how do you spend YOUR afternoons?"), I got poked up the nose (literally, blood sweat and tears when into this!)... And all I could think was "My gosh is this fun! Who else gets to do this?!"
So then we were set...well, not set enough for me, but we were going for it! ;) And on one wintery Wisconsin day...1 photographer, 2 "birds", and a giant man-made nest ventured into the woods... through a few feet of snow...over hills...dodging falling snow...braving the cold...All in the name of art! (Crazy what we do for art!)
Kara has a natural talent with seeing light. It was fun watching her shoot-she's all over, and in the craziest positions. As a result, she gets shots that not everyone could. She sees things not everyone sees-something my dad taught me a long time ago-and perhaps this is why THIS shoot is still one of his personal favorites. :)
Between Kara's eye, Stephanie's creative makeup/hair/vision, and Reanna's lead, of COURSE this shoot would rock. I learned so much from each of these ladies, things that I've applied to my work ever since. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and allowing me to create with you!
I won't say much else except that this past year we did yet another shoot together...the images are not released yet, but yet again, it was absolutely amazing. Keep an eye out for it!
I have since had the privilege of working with Kara in several other ways including assisting and will be second shooting for her this year, too! Check out more of her work here (Bloom Photography): www.facebook.com/bloomphotographybykara
For more from the bird shoot, visit my artist page: www.facebook.com/NFGartist or view the whole set on Kara's personal page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150135965667962.303363.558717961&type=1